Data and site logs
Data from all the sites are currently being transferred to the SDFIs distribution platform dataforsyningen (The Danish data and map supply). The primary part of the website is in Danish (for the time being) but an information site in English is available here. If you need further assistance with the site, please contact SDFI at one of the emails listed in the Contact (
Once you have signed in, please find the:
- GNET data is available on the website of the Danish data and map supply here GNSS - Greenland.
- Please copy the FTP link and use it to get data via your preferred FTP software.
- GNET IGS site logs are available on the website of the Danish data and map supply here GNSS - Greenland.
- Please copy the FTP link and use it to get data via your preferred FTP software.
The current situation is that data from all sites are available from January 1st, 2024.
Data from before January 1st, 2024 is available on FTP from the following sites ASS2, AASI, DMHN, ILUL, ISOR, KAPI, KLSQ, KULL, KULU, NUUK, PAMI, QAQ1, QEQE, SCOR, SISI, THU2, and UPVK. The remaining data will be made available during the coming months, but all data is available on demand from SDFI (please contact SDFI at one of the emails listed in the Contact ( The data is also available on the website of EarthScope Consortium, as it has been previously - please see the specific station for a link.
The map presented underneath presents the current active GNET stations. The black circles represent the "Remote sites", the red stars represent the "Town sites", and the blue circles represent the "IGS sites". Please click on the site to go to the specific station information site.