THU2 station

Station information

4-Char ID: THU2 - GPS only
Station Status: Installed / Operable
Station Name: Thule
Location (City, State): Thule, Avannaata, Greenland
Monument Type: Pillar with steel rods
Station Install Date: 1998/10/26
Monument Install Date: 1998/10/26
Current Status: OK

 Link to IGS site: here

GNSS Monument Coordinates

Approximate Geographic Coordinates
lat/lon/elev (d/d/m): xx.xxxxx -xx.xxxxx 36.2


IGS14 Reference Frame
X/Y/Z (m/m/m): 538093.193 -1389088.130 6180979.360


GR96 Reference Frame
X/Y/Z (m/m/m): xx.xx -xx.xx xx.xx